Thursday, April 3, 2014


I'm still here!

This week came and went... friday is almost here and we've done too many things.

Currently I'm singing "GZB" while my sis and I remember what we've been through with our Instagram pictures. I know you must be tired of me saying how Blessed I feel but I really do feel Blessed everyday.

Today I was walking while waiting for the train and I was thus close to take a picture of a random tree because I thougjt it looked amazing and it made my day brighter (despite being cloudy and rainy all day).

Yesterday GD (hey... you already know I'm a fan here!) Posted a quote that said something like "When a door closes another one opens but sometimes you are so busy pondering about the closed one that you don't realize another one has been open" and that's very true... I got a job yesterday doing marketing in Spanish but I wasn't convinced it was a legit company so, I decided not to take it and instead I decided to focus on what was going on at the moment and BAM! I received another proposal!!

I then went into my 1st and most loved job and ended up cooking Pizza with a student and my sister, we had a great we always do~~

My boss got me a Giant baguette because she knows I love REAL bread (nothing against Korean bread but its not the same), she is awesome and always worry about us ♡.

We have also RSVP'd  for a party with Jay Park next weekend! Wooooo~~

This weekend we have 2 videos to make for our Vlog and then is Chillin' time because I have the worst Dark Circles ever... my boss even told me today that she felt sorry cuz I cooked and I looked VERY tired 헐.

Anyway, just wanted to post a little update, I'm working on a "Single Mom in Korea" post but the next weeks promise to be very busy ones.

Have a great weekend and I'll see you wjen I see you!

-Gisela V.

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